Today every skill for building a product can be learnt online — coding, design, marketing — besides one: generating new product ideas. With this book, you will learn actionable techniques for finding ideas to start your next profitable SaaS, physical, digital, services or content business.
What will you learn from this book?
- Find ideas — Discover actionable techniques to immediately find problems to build businesses around.
- Notice opportunities — Learn the mental models that will help you to start noticing problems in the future and convert them into products later.
- Find niche markets — Learn how to define the audiences that you’d enjoy serving and explore opportunities in their niches.
- Prioritize ideas — Sort ideas with the biggest potential impact to fit your business and personal goals.
What’s inside?
- 17 actionable techniques for generating product ideas
- 60+ examples of product ideas
- 6 printable PDF canvases for practicing the techniques
- Lists of B2B audiences you could serve
- Resources listing untackled business problems
- Resources to help you keep track of new products
- A method for prioritizing ideas
- No upsale, no fluff
136 сторінок
Книгу передав бібліотеці Юрій Терницький
Generating Product Ideas, – Artiom Dashinsky
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