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Залишай відгуки. Дякуй донатом

"If you haven't had the good fortune to be coached by a strong leader or product coach, this book can help fill that gap and set you on the path to success."
- Marty Cagan


How do you know that you are making a product or service that your customers want? How do you ensure that you are improving it over time? How do you guarantee that your team is creating value for your customers in a way that creates value for your business?


In this book, you'll learn a structured and sustainable approach to continuous discovery that will help you answer each of these questions, giving you the confidence to act while also preparing you to be wrong. You'll learn to balance action with doubt so that you can get started without being blindsided by what you don't get right.


If you want to discover products that customers love-that also deliver business results-this book is for you.

244 сторінки

Книгу подарував бібліотеці Юрій Терницький

Continuous Discovery Habits, Teresa Torres

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