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Залишай відгуки. Дякуй донатом

Never has it been more and more essential to work in the world of data. Scholars and students need to be able to analyze, design and curate information into useful tools of communication, insight and understanding. This book is the starting point in learning the process and skills of data visualization, teaching the concepts and skills of how to present data and inspiring effective visual design. Benefits of this book: A flexible step-by-step journey that equips you to achieve great data visualization.


A curated collection of classic and contemporary examples, giving illustrations of good and bad practice. Examples on every page to give creative inspiration. Illustrations of good and bad practice show you how to critically evaluate and improve your own work. Advice and experience from the best designers in the field. Loads of online practical help, checklists, case studies and exercises make this the most comprehensive text available.

368 сторінок


Книгу передала бібліотеці Ольга Баб'як

Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design, – Andy Kirk

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